The Sinner's Prayer

          Those of us who are already Christians sometimes take for granted that everyone knows how to go from unbelief to belief. And while there's really no magic to it, if you've reached the point in your life when you are ready to surrender to God's call to be in relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, you might be wondering, "What do I do now?"

          Well Paul says in his letter to the church in Rome, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Rom 10:9)." It's really that simple to make the most important and, for some of you, the most difficult decision of your life. Over the centuries, this confession of faith has become known as The Sinner's Prayer. It has taken on an expanded form in order to give full expression to what we believe but it doesn't change the fundamental principal of the confession that we surrender our will and our lives to Jesus Christ. If you are prepared to do that now, you can simply pray The Sinner's Prayer and you will be saved.

          If you prayed this prayer for the first time or once again, would you please email me to let me know so that I can pray for you and celebrate with you? Also, if it is safe for you and you are able to do so, will you be baptized as a sign to the world that you have gone from death to life and have committed yourself to being a faithful follower of Jesus Christ? I know this may be very dangerous for some of you because of where you live and you'll have to decide for yourself the best course of action to take in this regard. Please keep in mind that whether you are able to be baptized or not has nothing to do with whether or not you are saved. That was accomplished when you confessed your faith in Jesus Christ and accepted Him as the Savior of your soul and the Lord of your life. Will you also seek out a community of believers who can celebrate your new-found life with you? And finally, please return to this website as often as you like to be encouraged and edified in your faith.

          I'll let you in on a little secret, when you prayed The Sinner's Prayer, there was a celebration going on in heaven as a great cloud of witnesses looked on.